Jagran School of Journalism & Communication
Jagran School of Journalism & Communication aims to be the catalyst of an ecosystem where big ideas are encouraged and converted into defining changes and better stories. The School seeks to understand communication, information, and media processes, behavioral change, organizations, and technologies as they affect individuals, societies, brands and the relationships among them.
With the goal of preparing students to be the leaders in journalism’s digital reinvention, Advertising & PR practitioners, social & behavior change communication specialists and communication strategists, Jagran School of Journalism & Communication has internationally benchmarked its competency based curriculum– breaking down walls between print, broadcast, and online journalism, and between skills and content buckets, between consumer insights & market shifts and societal challenges and opportunities.
Jagran School of Journalism & communication prioritizes the pursuit of creative visions and effective solutions that influence how the world connects today and tomorrow. It strives to scale the twin peaks of creativity & effectiveness while enhancing knowledge and skills in for the study of Journalism, advertising and public relations, digital communication and leadership, communication studies and radio-television production.
AT JSJC, theory and practice are integrated into all areas and levels, be it Post graduation or Graduation. The students learn how to produce, evaluate and manage media content for traditional and emerging media in a variety of genres, including information (news and documentary), music, comedy, sports, drama, commercial & non-commercial and persuasion campaigns. They study institutions that create, distribute and investigate media products (e.g., production studios, television, radio networks and audience measurement companies) and learn how to create and operate successful media businesses. This is done at the world class state of art media production studios spread across 20000 sq ft of aesthetically designed facilities in campus.
The School also organizes JLU International Festival of Media every year. This festival is an immersion in creative & media excellence for the global creative industries, journalism, films and digital media, taking place at JLU campus. The school also organizes International Photographic Competition “ Masterclicks”.