JLU Research Journal
Jagran International Journal on Contemporary Research (ISSN: 2320 – 9372) is an International, peer reviewed, open access refereed journal published by Jagran Lakecity University, Bhopal since 2013. The journal is dedicated to develop, promote and coordinate theory, research, and practice in diverse filed and aims to address the fundamental and specific problems of research in multidisciplinary framework. The Journal seeks to provide a platform for academicians, researchers and practitioners from multidisciplinary subject areas for publishing the original research for betterment of society. The main aim of JIJCR is to motivate & promote the researchers in varied subject areas in order to achieve excellence.
Our journal provides food for thought to the Professional in public as well as the private sector, consultants, academicians and students. We invite research papers, Article on multidisciplinary issues for our subsequent edition. Empirical studies as well as sound conceptual and application oriented studies are welcome.
For more information kindly visit research.jlu.edu.in