Erasmus+ Collaboration

Jagran Lakecity University is a participating University in ERASMUS+ programme funded by the European Commission. ERASMUS (EuRopean Community Action Scheme for Mobility of University Students) programme is a student exchange programme established in 1987 in the name of Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1536) of Rotterdam, one of Europe’s greatest thinkers and most influential scholars who defined the Humanistic Movement in Northern Europe. It is worth mentioning that Jagran Lakecity University is the only University from Central India in this project

Tuning India Project:

The programme involves 28 European Union partner countries and 24 non-EU participating countries, India being one of them. Tuning India Project is a three-year project (2017-2020) and involves 15 Universities of India, 4 European universities from Spain, Belgium, Netherlands & Ireland along with an NGO ‘Education for an Interdependent World’, operating from Rome. The Tuning India Project aims to synchronize the curricula in the fields of Medicine, ICT, Law and Teacher Education offered in India with curricula of global Universities by defining the expected competencies and the evidence that reflect defined learning outcomes. Such curricula need to be implemented with creative activities for training. JLU is representing three academic disciplines viz. Law, ICT and Teacher education

Resources for Internationalisation of Higher Education Institutions in India (RISHII):
Jagran Lakecity University is part of this European Commission funded project. The project has a duration of 36 months and will officially start 15th January 2020.

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