Plus Points of Festivity | The Statesman
- Posted by JLU Communications
- Posted in News Section
New Delhi, Tuesday 20 April 2021
Plus Points of Festivity
Jagran lakecity University commenced the JLU Carnival recently. It will be a six-month-long virtual fest and continue till September 2021. Through the virtual fest, JLU aims to reinvent the way university events are occasioned and attended in the wake of pandemic-induced restric-tions while keeping in mind social dis-tancing norms on physical gathering, for the safety of the audience, staff and performers. PM Carnival is an open-for-all event. The first session began with students interacting with renowned Kochi-based band. “When Chai Met Toast”.The organ-ising team received an overwhelming response from students in Central India, garnering more than 500 registrations within two days of sending out the registration link. For the next sessions, celebrities across various domains will petform.