Teaching & Learning
The courses at Jagran Lakecity University give the students capability to plan, carry out and evaluate their own teaching. Students will experience various examples of teaching and use these to make informed decisions about their own learning.
The courses at Jagran Lakecity University will help students to:
- Formulate clear and precise learning goals
- Use student activation in their lessons
- Engage through problem based activities
One of the main activities at the University is lesson exercises conducted jointly by the students & faculties. These lesson exercises are used as the basis for giving specific feedback to each participant as well as a vantage point to discuss general principals of course being undertaken.
The classroom teaching at the University is an intensive 5 day schedule. Students are expected to attend classes regularly and contribute to the discussions and the exchange of ideas in the classroom.
Awarding Body
Jagran Lakecity University is established under Section 2(f) of UGC Act 1956 and is approved by the Government of Madhya Pradesh by Act No. 22 of 2013. The University is a private University and as per the power vested in the University through UGC, the University is allowed to give its own degrees for all the approved courses offered at its campus.
Digital Learning
Digital learning refers to the use of digital technologies to engage students with the curriculum and to promote learning. It is a new way of working and learning with information and communication technology (ICT). It moves the focus from simply using ICT tools and skills to a way of working in a digital world. It is as much about using digital tools thoughtfully as it is about deciding when not to use digital tools, and about paying attention to the impact of digital tools on learning.
Academic Regulations
The University has 9 Schools which offer courses at UG, PG and Research level. The Schools are namely:
- Jagran Lakecity Business School
- JLU School of Law
- Jagran School of Journalism & Communication
- JLU School of Commerce & Economics
- JLU School of Hospitality & Tourism
- JLU School of Humanities & Social Sciences
- JLU School of Sports Science & Physical Education
- JLU School of Engineering & Technology
- JLU School of Education
Each of these Schools follows their own academic regulations which are in line with the UGC guidelines. For more information on academic regulations of each school please contact the Registrar Office of the University.