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Jagran School of Visual Arts and Design

Enter the exciting world of filmmaking, Design, UX, Animation and Graphics and develop your talents in directing, editing, cinematography, screenwriting, Design and Graphics including Digital and more. Experienced and award-winning faculty that will help foster the technical skills you need to further your career teaches our hands-on, intensive courses.

Jagran School of Visual Arts & Design is one of the premier Institution in Central India devoted to film history, theory, and aesthetics. Over time our focus has expanded to include broadcast television, video art, and digital media. After years of being steeped in an interdisciplinary, international approach, many alumni go on to careers in museum film departments, archives, and programming; journalism; or in the film industry as filmmakers, screenwriters, and editors. The school is a dynamic and inclusive multidisciplinary community of internationally recognised educators, researchers and practitioners which has a comprehensive portfolio that spans the disciplines of Design and Screen platforms and go beyond traditional academic models, designed instead to bring film and television together with the disciplines of games, animation, sound arts and design and live events.

Focused on making, School of Visual Arts & Design is one of the many specialized knowledge communities at Jagran Lakecity University, Central India’s Global University. We aim to stimulate and provoke both graduate and undergraduate students, encouraging the development of independent and challenging thought as expressed and inscribed in the visual arts. We propose that art is inquiry. Our faculty, diverse in its pursuits, is critically engaged in dialogue nationally and internationally. Our students benefit from this dialogue, and are also encouraged to pursue areas of overlap with the many other disciplines represented at the university – Journalism, Humanities, Law, Advertising, Economics, Technology, Public Policy & International Affairs to name a few.

Creativity is a daily task at Jagran School of Visual Arts & Design.

The project-based approach applied at the school promotes cooperative learning and encourages students to get in touch with professionals and companies. Throughout the year they are engaged in different projects – either intensive one-week workshops or studio experiences lasting the whole semester – allowing them to acquire a global vision of the profession, round off their design thinking and build solid skills. The tutors review each student at least on a weekly base to allow a constant improvement of the proposals. Class critique is also encouraged to build stronger awareness of the pros and cons of each design. The close collaboration with professionals, brands and institutions enables the students to get ready for the relationship with the client.

Jagran School of Visual Arts & Design encourages students to actively engage their world and define their role as contributing designers by developing their critical and analytical skills, personal voice, and visual language. The school cultivates a sense of social responsibility and inquiry in student designers, filmmakers who will be working at the intersection of art, design, and mass culture.

The School also organizes JLU International Festival of Media every year. This festival is an immersion in creative & media excellence for the global creative industries, Design, films and digital media, Advertising, Journalism and Arts taking place at JLU campus. The school also organizes International Photographic Competition “ Masterclicks”.

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